Monday, June 23, 2008

Supplement : NF & Safwa

Our priority is enhancing people's health:

- We offer more than 300 different formulas available exclusively at natural health stores.
- We are family-owned, Canadian-based business.
- We have produced and sold quality supplements to North Americans for more than 50 years.
- We grow our own herbs, organically and process them fresh from the fields.
- We test and standardize herbs for total quality control.
- Our science team includes medical doctors, naturopathic physicians, researchers and herbalists from around the world.
- We create new, condition-specific formulas that are clinically proven to work.
- Our laboratory facilities comply with Good Laboratory Practices and are among the finest in North America.
- We meet or exceed Canadian Government Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines and all Health Canada and FDA regulatory requirements.

Safwa means ‘the choicest’ or 'the best’ in Arabic, and offers consumers unparalleled quality assurance in vitamins, minerals, nutritional supplements and herbal remedies. This assurance begins with Good Manufacturing Practices at the point of production by Cardinal Health Pte Ltd, Australia, a world-class health supplement manufacturer. It is further reinforced by the halal certification of every step of the production process by the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC). In short, Safwa Health™ cuts no corners or compromises on quality because we aim not to be just another health supplement. In reaching out to consumers we safely say that Safwa Health™ range of supplements meets all of the health and safety requirements set by both Muslim and non-Muslim consumers alike.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium is the major constituent of bones and teeth and is important in muscle contraction, heartbeat, and blood coagulation. Vitamin D helps in calcium absorption
Pack size: 90s
RM 25.99

Promotes healthy bones and teeth
Prevents osteoporosis
Contains 350mg pure liquid Calcium for optimal absorption
Added with Vitamin D for better absorption of Calcium

Execap Capsule

Contains high strength Vitamin Bs, important components of energy and nervous system. Suitable for busy individuals with stressful lifestyles.
Pack size: 90s+30s
RM 43.99

Essential for the release of energy from protein, fats and carbohydrates
Provides Vitamin B which is needed for red blood cell production
Complemented with Vitamin C and E and Zinc for a complete nutritional profile
Provides energy and protects body cells

Vitamin C Complex

Plays an important part in collagen formation and helps in the body’s absorption of iron
Pack size: 90s+30s
RM 45.99

Reduces the frequency and severity of colds
Acts as a powerful antioxidant
Promotes healthy bones and teeth
Maintains healthy gums
Speeds up wound healing and promotes tissue repair
Contains 500mg liquid Vitamin C for maximum absorption
Contains Rutin for complete absorption of Vitamin C
Contains Acerola, natural Vitamin C, for optimal nutrition
Slows down effects of ageing

Multivitamin and Mineral

A comprehensive formula containing all 12 vitamins and 7 minerals which are essential for maintenance of optimal health
Pack size: 90s
RM 43.99

Makes up for common dietary deficiencies especially for those who lack nutrition from food intake
Gives better utilisation of food
Improves overall health
Fortified with iodine to increase metabolism rate

Natural Vitamin E

An essential fat-soluble vitamin that is known for preserving and enhancing cells which are vital to the immune system
Pack size: 90sx2
RM 62.99

Acts as a natural anti-oxidant to protect from free radical attack
Speeds wound healing
Has anti-ageing properties

Cod Liver Oil

Rich natural source of Vitamin A and D. Vitamin A is essential for the immune system, especially in strengthening the lungs, while Vitamin D helps to strengthen bones and teeth
Pack size: 30
RM 9.99

Helps improve body resistance to colds and flu
Aids in maintenance of body tissues
Protects against symptoms of inflammatory disorders
Temporary relief of joint pain
An important source of Vitamin A and D for expecting mothers


Contains high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA from cold-water fish, which have clinically proven health benefits
Pack size: 90s
RM 41.99

Rich source of superior Omega-3
The only Omega-3 that is clinically proven to improve heart health, blood circulation and reduce inflammation and joint pain
EPA and DHA are essential for brain and visual development in infants and children
Contains standardised levels of EPA and DHA

Triple L Lecithin

An essential component of cells, nerve tissues, especially in the brain, heart and liver. Lecithin is an important source of Phostidile Choline, an essential source of nutrition for the heart and nervous system
Pack size: 90s
RM 69.99

Good source of choline and inositol which aid in nerve transmission
Aids in the absorption of Vitamin A,D,E and K (fat soluble vitamins)
Helps to give the skin a clear and wrinkle-free appearance
Lecithin helps to improve liver damage caused by excessive alcohol intake
Helps to metabolise fats
Helps improve brain function

Celery and Juniper

Herbs that are natural diuretics and assists in water retention and elimination of accumulated acidic wastes
Pack size: 90s
RM 24.99

Temporary relief in joint pains
Traditionally used to improve urination

Evening Primrose Oil

Derived from the evening primrose seed, EPO contains essential fatty acids, which are vital for health
Pack size: 90s
RM 38.99

Source of essential fatty acid gamma linoleic acid (GLA)
Relieves discomfort caused by Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Helps to keep skin moisturized

Garlic Oil

The safest natural remedy known to man, garlic is considered to be a miraculous healing and health-building food
Pack size: 90s
RM 21.99

Contains twice the amount of garlic (2 gm)
Nature’s antibiotic
Assists in the healing of common illnesses and mild infections
Also contains selenium and germanium, important protector minerals


Unknown said...


Just wondering if you post to Australia at all? And if so, can I pay by TT? I'd like to get some Safwa vitamins.


Unknown said...


Do you post to Australia? I'd like to buy some vitamins.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog about supplements Not getting enough protein in the diet is rare in the developed world, but if you're concerned about it, you can take protein supplements. These are often powders for making shakes, or high-protein energy bars, and are usually made from soy, eggs, or dairy.

Canada Supplements

Anonymous said...

Muscle supplements come in a variety of forms, and some are both safer and more likely to be effective.

canadian supplements

Amanda Nelson said...

I am in menopause stage. Can I use this health supplement?

arginine supplement

Unknown said...


how do i contact you for the supply of these supplements?